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Python Machine Learning: Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow, 2nd Edition
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Augmented Human: How Technology Is Shaping the New Reality
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An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Image Processing: Pixels, Numbers, and Programs (The MIT Press)
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Dynamic Faces: Insights from Experiments and Computation (The MIT Press)
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An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Image Processing: Pixels, Numbers, and Programs (The MIT Press)
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High Carb: Abnehmen mit Reis. Inkl. 60 Reisrezepte mit wenig Kalorien um lecker abzunehmen. Nach dem HCLF Prinzip. Die ReisdiГ¤t mit gesunden Gerichten … bleiben. (High Carb DiГ¤t 2) (German Edition)
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