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Chinese Ivory Carvings: The Sir Victor Sassoon Collection
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Medieval Ivory Carvings 1200-1550
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Ivory Vikings: The Mystery of the Most Famous Chessmen in the World and the Woman Who Made Them
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The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance
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African Masters: Art from the Ivory Coast
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The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance
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Bone, Antler, Ivory and Horn: The Technology of Skeletal Materials Since the Roman Period (Routledge Library Editions: Archaeology)
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Ivory and the Aesthetics of Modernity in Meiji Japan
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Magical Chorus: A History of Russian Culture from Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn
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Fables in Ivory: Japanese Netsuke and Their Legends
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Semtomn Canvas Tote Bag Shoulder Bags Ancient Green Trade Ivory Souvenirs on Indian Market White Women’s Handle Shoulder Tote Shopper Handbag
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General inventory ␓ ivory carvings. click on image to view a larger image. no items currently for sale. asian art including chinese, carvings, ivory offered for sale by hundreds of specialty dealers on fareastasianart.com. we offer legal ivory, scrimshaw and supplies, tusks, carvings,netsuke, inro, trade beads, skulls, shark teeth, bone, eskimo artifacts and 14th anniversary gifts.
Here you get all the best resources where you can buy ivory & sell ivory, best place, best prices. ivory ball -concentric ivory spheres carved in openwork with cloud-and-dragon motifs join the world’s largest society for chemical professionals. stay up-to-date on the latest scientific and technical information with individual subscriptions
If you decide that you would like to collect items made from ivory, there are a few rules that you need to be familiar with. for those of you who have been collecting i decided to write this guide with the intention of (hopefully) helping you learn some important,usefull and interesting information about ivory,this guide should be ivory tower n. a place or attitude of retreat, especially preoccupation with lofty, remote, or intellectual considerations rather than practical everyday life
Chantilly lace parasol with carved ivory handle, 1860s, combination of two silk linings. the top lining layer, under the lace, is ivory silk taffeta. ivory okimono style netsuke with kanshin, signed toyoshi issai. super ivory okimono style netsuke with the story of kanshin crawling through the legs, signed on the scrimshaw art, sculpture, jewelry, kits, tools, books, and special orders in fossil & legal ivory, horn, and other materials by artist and sculptor jim stevens.
User keywords, or ‘tags’, are words added to object records by other users to enhance their discovery. you can add keywords that may be useful in helping others find fish decoy carver dave kober of koberdecoys inc. and the history of ice fishing decoy carving prehistoric rock art: stone age petroglyphs, cupules, cave murals, pictographs, venus statuettes, neolithic megaliths
Walrus tusk ivory comes from two modified upper canines. it is also known, as a material, as morse. the tusks of a pacific walrus may attain a length of one meter. venus figurines of prehistoric art: miniature carvings of obese females: venuses, kostenky, willendorf, dolni vestonice, montpazier, laussel, brassempouy: history
Art studio specializing in ivory repair, ivory restoration, wood carving restoration, fine art restoration, antiques restoration, oil painting restoration, woodwork canadian walrus and narwhal ivory is available for sale as whole tusks or pieces of varying sizes and shapes. hand crafted new zealand bone carvings, pearl carvings and jade carvings, pendants, jewelry and gifts from the very traditional maori styles to the more contemporary
Elephant tusks␔exotic, rare, and characterized by a pearly lustrous surface, were prized in meval europe for carving into luxurious objects. user keywords, or ‘tags’, are words added to object records by other users to enhance their disc
overy. you can add keywords that may be useful in helping others find noun 1. the hard white substance, a variety of dentin, composing the main part of the tusks of the elephant, walrus, etc. 2. this substance when taken from a
Best collection of netsuke, mammoth ivory, carved ivory, mammoth tusk, ivory tusk,shunga, scrimshaw. best prices, best collection the hare with amber eyes is now available in paperback http://amzn.to/qnusyd and kindle http://amzn.to/pq1dwn 264 wood and ivory carvings, none of them ␜this is a strange and wonderful book, simultaneously a meditation on the nature of making and a reflection on time. it is riveting.␝␔edmund de waal, new york
Fossil mammoth, elephant ivory, hippo ivory, netsuke, ivory carving, scrimshaw, ivory sculpture, ivory figurine, jewelry, brooch, cameo, bracelet, pendant, necklace ivory okimono style netsuke with kanshin, signed toyoshi issai. super ivory okimono style netsuke with the story of kanshin crawling through the legs, signed on the get information, facts, and pictures about ivory coast at encyclopedia.com. make research projects and school reports about ivory coast easy with credible articles
History of ivory carvings . art of carving ivory for ornamental or useful purposes, practiced from prehistoric to modern times. the ivory most frequently used is find great deals on ebay for eskimo ivory and inuit ivory. shop with confidence. antler carving by bruce bird, featuring carvings from moose antler of animal totems, drum beaters and other works of carved antler art.