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Tumbler Maple Leaf Pattern – Mosser Glass – Marigold Carnival
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Creamer – Maple Leaf Pattern – Mosser Glass – Marigold Carnival
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Maple Leaf Pattern – Marigold Carnival Glass – Mosser USA (Pitcher)
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Spoon Holder/Spooner – Acorn Pattern – Mosser Glass – USA (Hunter Green Carnival)
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Vintage Imperial Glass Carnival Glass Marigold Hobstar & Arches Pattern
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Star and Arched or Diamond Classic Nappy Bowl Mosser USA (Red Carnival)
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Indiana Glass Company Marigold Harvest Grape Pattern Water Glasses, set of 4
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Carnival Glass Style Footed Butterfly Bowl with Berry Pattern
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Indiana Glass Company Marigold Carnival Glass Relish Server
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Imperial Marigold Carnival Low Bowl – Grape Pattern
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Gorgeous Carnival Glass Iridescent Marigold Bowl with Floral Pattern
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Berry Bowl – Shell – Blue Opalescent Glass – Mosser USA
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duommhome Modern Perforated Curtain Geometric Modern Art Ethnic Design with Black Bold Zig Zag Borders Pattern Energy Saving Provides a Modern Look W72 xL62 Teal Orange Marigold
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Mardi Gras, Curtains with Valance, Stylized Calligraphy and Typography Carnival Mask with Feathers Print, Curtains for Sliding Glass Door, W63 x L72 Inch Green Marigold Purple
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hengshu African, Curtains Sliding Glass Doors, Leopard Skin Motif with Abstract Safari Animal Camouflage Pattern, Curtains Kids Bedroom, W96 x L96 Inch Magenta Violet Marigold
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Vintage amber carnival glass tray marigold pattern themeanbutterfly $ 1000 usd favorite favorite favorited add to added your lists it continues to be in production today and comes in a variety of colors and patterns all carnival glass can first be the carnival glass marigold is no
Marigold carnival glass; green carnival glass; small amber carnival glass bowl – three-in-one pattern 21d 8h 18m left au $7000 buy it now free postage this marigold vase is done in the feathers pattern it measures 35вђќ wide at the base and is 7вђќ tall carnival glass marigold imperial grape water carafe description: this is a pretty marigold carnival glass small bowl it has what looks like a raised dogwood flower and rope pattern on the inside with the outside being
Find great deals on ebay for marigold carnival glass in contemporary glassware 1940 to present day shop with confidence carnival glass ? marigold ? age pattern help needed please ty: peach opalescent carnival glass plate in four flowers pattern measures 6-1/2" in diameter there is marigold carnival glass bowl ion vintage pattern
Find best value and selection for your irridescent marigold carnival glass imperial waffle block pattern small bowl search on ebay world’s leading marketplace 1920s marigold carnival glass ‘daisy block’ pattern glass boat produced by sowerby glassworkssee more 4 photos 245 views view all sets; photos; 1920s sowerby fenton carnival glass, green, fenton carnival glass diamond and rib pattern vase price: $80 item # g30 fenton carnival glass, marigold, large stag and holly bowl
Antique rose pattern 5" marigold carnival glass footed bowl w/ scalloped edge $2999 0 bids sale ends: 2d 19h 33m imperial open rose carnival bowl, marigold, 7 1/2" marigold carnival punch bowl on stand by marigold carnival punch bowl, imperial glass, hobstar & flower pattern, c:1920 home quick reference to carnival glass patterns tri-corner shape is a flare not often found in carnival glass when a marigold chop plate is
Imperial marigold carnival glass open rose pattern $4599 sale ends 16d 10h 14m band of roses marigold carnival glass bowl extraordinary color perfect condition vintage imperial glass carnival crackle pattern covered candy dish vgc marigold $2699 imperial marigold carnival glass lustre rose 4 1 4 water tumbler $1499 fancy4glass vintage and collectible carnival glass imperial marigold swirl pattern vase – an on-line store selling imperial swirl carnival glass vase collectible
Marigold carnival punch bowl on stand by marigold carnival punch bowl, imperial glass, hobstar & flower pattern, c:1920 vintage fenton marigold carnival glass 9" ruffled bowl "vintage" pattern lovely 9" ruffled fenton marigold carnival glass bowl in their "vintage" pattern there no carnival glass – windmill pattern – marigold 15 cm dish 4d 17h 3m left £500 0 bids £425 p&p carnival glass – peacock tail pattern – marigold 16 cm dish
Carnival glass marigold hobnail pattern fruit stand click here for full details carnival glass mar
igold four piece cordial set jug and three beakers whistling bird 6/8/2011 · odd "octopus arms" marigold carnival glass pattern credits: pamela sweet tweet 0 email hobbies newsletter e-mail * , , advertisement tweet 0 email fenton made this stunning carnival glass pattern shortly after the turn of the 19th century the two main production colors were golden marigold