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Patternmaking for Menswear: Classic to Contemporary
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Men’s Pattern Drafting: An Introduction to the Direct Measurement System (The Stanley Hostek Tailoring Book Series)
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How to Use, Adapt, and Design Sewing Patterns: From store-bought patterns to drafting your own: a complete guide to fashion sewing with confidence
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Metric Pattern Cutting for Menswear
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Historic Costumes and How to Make Them (Dover Fashion and Costumes)
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Men’s Custom Tailored Pants (The Stanley Hostek Tailoring Book Series)
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Men’s Pattern Drafting:
An Introduction to the Direct Measurement System (The Stanley Hostek Tailoring Book Series 2)
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Hand Stitches: For the Fine Custom Tailored Garment (The Stanley Hostek Tailoring Book Series 1)
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The Complete Photo Guide to Perfect Fitting
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Patternmaking for Fashion Design
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Men’s Custom Tailored Vests (The Stanley Hostek Tailoring Book Series)
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Bare Essentials: Underwear: Construction and Pattern Drafting for Lingerie Design
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The Modern Maker Vol. 2: Pattern Manual 1580-1640: Men’s and women’s drafts from the late 16th through mid 17th centuries. (Volume 2)
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Fashion Patternmaking Techniques. [ Vol. 1 ]: How to Make Skirts, Trousers and Shirts. Women & Men. Skirts / Culottes / Bodices and Blouses / Men’s Shirts and Trousers / Size Alterations
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Fashion Patternmaking Techniques Vol. 2: Women/Men. How to Make Shirts, Undergarments, Dresses and Suits, Waistcoats, Men’s Jackets
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2/18/2011 · pattern drafting 101 вђ“ the menвђ™s shirt sleeve block 18 february, 2011 6/2/2009 · pattern drafting 101 there are a number of people who have expressed interest in learning how to draft suit patterns and are looking for a good text mens shirt pattern making by admin on aug 5 , 2011 | no comment | posted in hot mens shirt 21 drafting, paper pattern and stitching 3 block for mens shirt 31
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Harry simons drafting mens shirts and undergarmentsthis second book is focused upon everyday wear for men and boys like sport shirts and work shir drafting the pants back pattern for the back pattern, use a piece of paper about 1200" long and 1200" wide, draw a line down the middle lay the front kwik sew mens mens shirt 3883 pattern designed for lightweight woven fabrics a blog about sewing, pattern making, pattern drafting, pattern cutting
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Upsizing a mens vest pattern need to make vests for guys with "bay windows" shanntarra expert/couture tx usa member since 3/19/09 posts: 724: login to reply to this post opinions on sewing patterns, style, wardrobes books on pattern making talk about two different processes : – drafting a fitting shell pattern from measurements mens; kids; see all computers cartridges and toners; pattern drafting has never been easier to understand as sally breaks down each skill including how to